Welcome to OoN — put on your seatbelt!
Dull Kills. Kill Dull.
No one ever asked to see your ads!
People hate ads. Make them love yours.
Do what others don't.
Having fun makes better work!
You can't please everyone, so don't try.
Test, learn, optimise, kill it.
Don't overthink.
Life's too short for boring.
A.I. isn't creative.
Always give the world what it didn't know it wanted.
Don't baffle with bullshit, dazzle with brilliance.
Why walk if you can dance?
At some point talking loses and doing wins.
Great ideas don't exist. Unless they are made.
Everyone needs a moonshot. What's yours?
A sharp axe cuts the tree faster.
​​What would we recommend to a risk-averse client?
Magic sells.
Consumers don't give a damn about corporate.
"If you tell the truth, be funny or they'll kill you."
—Billy Wilder
Never be expected.
Would you wear your brand on a T-Shirt?
Don't be the boring one in the room.
A little madness is often the most sensible thing.
"Research shows, creative advertising is more effective than advertising that is not."
—Institute of Duh
If you don't get people's attention, your campaign just cost you dearly.
Did we mention 'listen?'
Be sexy.
It's just an ad. Isn't it?
Today's a great day for some creative juju!
Imagine a world full of amazing ads.
An agency is only as creative as its clients.
Stir things up or go home.
Imagine people remembering that ad your brand did 10 years ago.
Everyone can talk advertising. Not everyone can do it.