Out of Nowhere began as the 'middle finger' to a world that's become an unforgiving place for brands to navigate. People simply click you away, skip or – worst of all – ignore you entirely if they feel a brand isn't adding enough to their lives. Heck, they even spend money to avoid them!
The single greatest opportunity for a brand is to create a real shift in how people feel.
The brands people cherish and invite into their lives have one thing in common: they create an intimate, engaging and meaningful connection with their audience. They move them!
If you want people to be receptive, touch a nerve! Talk their lingo, about what matters to them. Surprise them with fresh ideas, create contagious excitement, and build anticipation for what your brand might do next.
(Brands we've helped kill dull.)

OoN is an independent, creatively-led advertising agency with hubs in Asia and Europe. It's made up of top creatives, strategists, consultants, techies, free-thinkers, forward-thinkers, re-thinkers and collaborators with holy-cow-credentials from all over the world, and we're always looking for like-minded talent and clients to join us. So, come say hello!

We stand on each other's shoulders
Innovative, bold, culturally relevant work that pushes consumers' buttons (and that can actually be sold to internal stakeholders) is the result of openness and trust. That's why we regard whoever we choose to work with as a close partner.
Virtually global, real impact
From our virtual hubs in Europe and Asia, we can get much closer to you, your market and your problems. We also get much closer to the hottest talent anywhere in the world, and our flexibility helps us bring out the best in them in terms of speed, enthusiasm and quality. That's great for us, but has real impact for our clients.
Efficient like a Ninja
We can be anywhere we need to be fast and scale up or down depending on what our clients and projects require. This makes us an incredibly dynamic and efficient agency on a day-to-day basis.
We've got big ears
Creating work that really delivers starts with listening. So we use our ears first. And second. We make sure we understand every single detail of your needs so we can give you solutions that create a real shift in how people feel and kill dull.

New Business
Dee Chadha
WA: +44 (0) 7702 327704
Martin Richartz
Founder+Creative Partner
WA: +44 (0) 7904 297875
General Inquiries